Thursday, August 28, 2008


My wonderful mother gave me Wicked! tickets for my birthday back in July. Last night was finally the big night! Having not (yet) read the book, or even seen the original Wizard of Oz movie, I had no idea what to expect going in. What I got is definately not what I might have thought it was going to be, it was SO much better!! Prequils are usually bad news, but this one was perfect!

I won't ramble on and on about the show itself, just some amazing highlights!!! The singers were all fantastic. Especially the witches. Elpheba was unbelieveable. Such a beautiful clear voice (no squeeky warbily irritating diva here). And she was green!!!! Like seriously lime green. All over. And it didn't rub off. I have no idea how they did it, but wow!! And Glinda was also fantastic. The character, for those that haven't seen/read it, is a crazy blonde (think Reese Whiterspoon ala Legally Blonde). They must have been feeding her espressos between scenes, cause I have no idea how that woman had the energy to put on a show like that!

In all, a really fantastic show. Shame it closes this weekend, otherwise I might have tried to get tickets for Andre and I to go again. I think that he might have liked it! In November Spamalot is coming!! We're all going to that one too!!

So it was a fun evening, but the work is still waiting. I don't think that I'm going to get much of anything knittingy done for the next little while, but that's the price I pay for being a student during back to school/grant writing season. Horray. Being a flying monkey in a Broadway show seems like a good career alternative right about now. I wonder how hard it could be...

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