Saturday, August 30, 2008

Welcome to the world!

Just a quick note, both of the beautiful babies that I was knitting for in July are now born!!!

The green blanket will soon be wrapped around a little baby girl. She was born monday (I think). The information is coming to me third hand from Andre from the store were we work... Somewhere in the excitement, baby girl's name got lost, but regardless, welcome to the world!! Now to get Andre to call the happy mom so we can go drop off the blanket...

And baby Taden (of the blue jacket set and blanket) made his debute on Thursday afternoon!! Mom and baby are doing great, and I can't wait to meet him!!

So many of my friends are having babies or getting married or making other big changes/decisions in life. It kinda makes me feel old. I sometimes miss the carefree days of highschool (but definately not the school itself). Other times the happiness of the friends can be kinda infectious. Makes me want my own family. Andre and Katie are the best ever, but sometimes I wonder just how long I want to put off having a baby of my own. Eventually. Just not yet.

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