Work. Yes, I worked the holiday weekend, but molecular biology waits for no man, woman, child, knitting, meal, holiday, or bladder. I tried to keep it short each day, but I was in sat/sun/mon for a few hours each. But on the bright side, the research is progressing, so life is good. Soon, so very soon, the fruits of my labours will be ready to harvest... hopefully. Here's to getting that paper written and published, and NSERC finally not seeing that one bad class I had (stupid organic chemistry!!!). PhD funding applications, here I come!!
Friends. Well, sort of. Most of my friends were out having fun this weekend. So instead I stayed home(/work) and spent time with friends pets. Specifically Colleen's menagerie. Seriously, 7 snakes (plus wee little babies that are SOOO cute!), multiples of geckos (6??), a chameleon (yay Elwood!), a fish (yes, just one), and two of the craziest cats ever (Tigger and Rosco)! Fortunately I didn't have to feed the snakes (awww, poor frozen mice), but Elwood wanted his daily silkworms (not really a problem, they're not nearly as cute as he is), and the cats were demanding as ever. It was fun, and Colleen has a yarn stash bigger than mine!! But I restrained myself, I have so much yarn already.
Tigger and Rosco are just so danmed adorable they needed to make an appearance on this blog. But don't tell Coal, he'll be jelous and want more pictures of him!!
The oh-so-sink-your-hands-into-soft Tigger
The silky-smooth-yes-I'm-that-cute Rosco
Knitting. Yes, I even got some knitting done too. Along with finishing the baby blanket (see last post), I went on a premie baby hat binge with the left over white from the blanket and some matching blue from my stash (picked up as part of a garage sale box of yarn I believe). I made a set of three before getting bored of them, but now I'm not sure what to do with them. I suspect that they'll find their way into my baby box of stuff to get dropped off to a hospital/charity when I think I have enough stuff to make it worth while (I feel bad just dropping off one to two small things, I'd rather save them up and give a bunch of stuff to mix and match if needed).
So, pattern details:
Yarn: Patons Beehive Baby - blue and white, leftovers (really doesn't take much, excellent for stash busting, especially in stripes!)
Needles: 2.5mm double points (5)
Pattern: Cabled Baby Hats
Same as pattern: All the stitch counts and everything are the same
Different from pattern: The stripes in the 5-cable hats are done in multiples of 6 rows (patter is 36 rows, I love easy math!)
I also started those pink/purple/white socks for Katie! I've been trying to find patterns that I like, that would also work for these, but it's been harder than I thought. So I'm using a woman's sized pattern with much much smaller yarn and needles. In fact, that's what's made this the hardest, is the fact that I can't find patterns in the right guage. Oh well. As soon as I get leg measurements from her mom, I'll measure what I've got. If it doesn't work, then I pull it out and try something else (omg, I might have I design my own... eeeeep).
So here's what I've got so far:
Yarn: Leithen Ombrero (3x 50g)
Needles: 2.5 mm double points (4)
Pattern: Socks in Three Sizes
Size: Woman
I'm about 7.5" down the leg... I'll wait for measurements before continuting.
1 comment:
I love the pictures of Roscoe and Tigger, rascals that they are...
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