Mostly, its old paper work that permeates everything. Yes, apparently there is a desk holding it all up, contrary to the popular belief that the desk was eaten years ago by said papers, allowing them to produce more papers.
There were also a few knitting related finds. An unfinished hat, more squares for that afgan that I'm still working on, Katie's socks (still need those leg measurements... have to remember to do that), and assorted balls and skeens that haven't found their way into my stash just yet.
But most importantly I found a sweater that's mostly finished! I started it just after the wedding back in June, when I was still coming down from not needing to be running around anymore. A while ago, Andre's mom was cleaning up her closet, and found some yarn left over from both her mother and Andre's Dad's mother. In that was a pile of balls of an acrylic/mohair/wool blend, in blues and greys. Yes, I know what you're thinking, rather 70's no? That's what I thought too. But it was so soft!! I eventually got said wool, since Andre's mom's arthritis is so bad that she has a really hard time knitting. I knew that I had to do something special with it.
Turns out, Knitty has this fabulous 70's inspired sweater called Starsky (no, there is no matching Hutch). This was perfect!! Now, Knitty claims that this is one of their more difficult patters (they rank them by spiciness), but the hardest part was getting used to reading the chart at the same time as sizing and shaping. No problem at all for the experienced knitter!! It hit this stage about 2 weeks after getting started. All that's missing are the belt loops, that would be best added, once I know who this is going to fit (not me... not enough wool to make it large enough!!) So, here it is, Jen's Starsky.
Yarn: Towers Mingca (I think, the labels are so old I don't recognize the names!)
Needles: 5.5mm and 6.0mm
Pattern: Starsky
Same as pattern: Made a small size
Different from pattern: The wool I was using was a little bit thicker than called for, so I made the small pattern, but got a medium size.
The back has a beautiful banana leaf pattern. It was loads of fun to work. I can't figure out why the picture of the front is sideways, but whatever. You get the point.
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