This is a much smaller project than the bathroom a few years ago was, but it's still taking up a surprising amount of time (and space... and sanity...).
Our master bedroom has a beautiful huge closet between two windows on the outside wall. The closet itself "bumps out" about a foot and a half, saving on its footprint in the room and providing a bit of an overhang over the front of the house. The only down side is that the insulation, while I'm sure was state of the art 35 years ago when the house was built, is now less than stellar. This means that the bedroom floor is freezing in the winter, and the closet trends 5-10 degrees cooler than the rest of the house.
So now, dammit, we're fixing that. Which meant that we tore out all the drywall and part of the floor in the closet and reinsulated. While we were at it, we figured we'd build a faux wall behind the bed, allowing us to give each side of the bed its own outlet, and proper light fixtures.
We're about half way through the job now. Insulation is done, along with the wall build. We're just waiting for the drywall mud to dry before applying what is hopefully the final coat.
That means that in theory, tomorrow is sanding, priming, and first coat of paint! Which means that I need to pick colours. And there should probably be a dump run in the not too distant future, so that this:
Can get out of my dinning room! Another downside of winter renovations - can't just toss the scrap out the backdoor onto the deck for disposal later... if it snows, that stuff is stuck until summer. And there's another decent sized snowfall on the way.
So in the mean time, I'm going to finish enjoying my tasty lunch.
Good looking eh? Carrot, apple, sweet potato, and ginger soup and home made granola raspberry square thingies.
Then back to the drywall...
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