After bottling I was reminded that 2 of our close friends are having babies in the IMMEDIATE future (end of August and middle of September). In fact one shower is this weekend, and the other passed while we were away on our mini-honeymoon. Generally, when I pick up a baby pattern to knit I knit one boy, one girl, one gender safe. That way I always have something incase of surprise showers or other projects preventing new knitting.
So, friend #1 doesn't know if she's having a boy or a girl (and doesn't want to know, but she's carrying so high, my money is on boy), and thus gender safe colours are needed. The evening after bottling wine I started (yes she leaves work on Aug 1st for mat-leave, I have till then) a green/white blanket. It's a pattern I pulled off the internet (here). Again copyright, so I'm not going to post the pattern, but I'll show it off once I'm done. It is, however, becoming a huge hit with friends, so I suspect that I'll be making many more in the future (and the patter is so easy and SOOO pretty!).
Friend #2 is having her shower this weekend. She's having a boy named Taden (I think that's how she's spelling it...). Fortunately, due to a rash of baby girls from friends in the past year or so, I have both a complete jacket/bootie/cap set and a cotton blanket for a boy that no-one has laid claim to yet. I just need to wrap them up, and pass on the love! I'm still working on my own patterns, both are from a page-a-day knitting calender that my sister gets for me every christmas. So no patterns, but pictures for sure! (For those that really love it, the blanket is a mitred corner dish cloth, just bigger-any blanket pattern that starts with CO3 is awesome with me!)
Baby blue cap, booties, and jacket!
Mitred corner raw cotton blanket!
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