First thing on Saturday we (just me and Katie, Andre's stuck at work for weekends for the rest of the summer) went to see the new Pixar movie Wall-E. Oh my goodness, what an awesome sweet makes you want to melt movie!!! It makes you just want to take the little trash-compacting robot and all his friends home and cuddle them all! Litterally half the movie was spent going "awwwwww", or giggling at the antics. It really was a great movie, not as much of a laugh out loud funny like most of Pixar's previous offerings, but much more heart warming.
After the movie was dinner with Andre and a trip to the store via the park for some treats. Followed promptly by a bath. Seriously, kid, swing, flipflops, its been raining all week. Big time messy! The morning's been pretty lazy, french toast breakfast, and now she's kicking MarioKart behinds on our Wii. It'll be off back to Grammie's in an hour or so as I head out to a baby shower.
The trouble with knitting for kids is that they grow out of things so darned fast!!! 2 Christmas' ago I knit her a big coat-like sweatery thing. It was my first attempt at taking a pattern (from one of my ubiquitous magazines), and trying to make it out of completely different yarn. Basically I was only using the pattern to make sure that I got all the pieces the right size, the guage was SO different. It wasn't even like I could just cast on a larger or smaller size, things would have been all wrong. Between a multitude of moves (4 I think, but I might have missed one, we haven't moved, but she and her mom do) and gaining several inches, she's still got it, and it almost still fits. She definately can't pull it on over a winter outfit to keep cosy, but as something to throw on over shorts and a t-shirt to ward off the chill of the theater (why are they always so darned cold???).
Katie in her Jen knit sweater. And yes, her t-shirt says "Parents for sale, buy 1 get 1 free".
Something about that cat of ours... seems to worm his way into every shoot. We do love him so.
I always have fun knittng for Katie since she's young (8 and a HALF, can't forget the half) and is still into bright colours and fun patterns. Give her 5 years, then she'll be too cool for us, but until then, I'll knit her cute things. Appart from something I made for her as a thank you for being the FloweRing Girl for our wedding (the name was coined by Andre in a moment of brilliance since she carried a bouquet and our rings for us) that I'll post once we've given it to her, she wants a pair of socks. (And slippers and mittens and hat and scarf..) Well, ask and you shall receive, and as luck would have it, I have just the thing!
A local craft store went out of business just after Christmas, and had all of they yarns for 50 cents to $2 a ball. Oh, the money I spent. I picked up some pink/purple/white self striping sock yarn for just such a request. I'm still on the hunt for a really good kids knee-high sock pattern but I'm sure I'll find something.
But first... must... finish... baby... blanket...
(Insert shoulder-devil) But socks!!! New fun pattern!!!
(Insert conscience kicking shoulder-angel here). Right then, back to blanket. *sigh*