Every fall I tell myself that I'm going to be better this year (the eternal student believes that the new year is the first monday after labour day when classes start, not this half-way through the year January thing that the rest of the world thinks is so important). This year was sort of different and sort of not. Undergrad years I had to be organized just to meet deadlines and study for midterms. Last year, as a grad student FINALLY I had to freak out about Committee Meetings, my PhD Qualifying Exam, and most importantly The Wedding. This year? Nothing crazy pressing except one class and some research that will just never work.
Just as I think, 'hey this fall is going to be awesome! I can really have a good go at this year!' life decides to get involved again. My life is still pretty good. The research is slooooowwwwllly progressing, and the home scene is (messy) but amazing. Except that we're so busy that we're really behind on some important things. Like finishing our wedding thankyou cards. And organizing our trip to Toronto in a few weeks. And general house cleaning. And knitting and woodworking.
On the outer fronts, family (on both sides), and another friend are doing major home reno's, so there is frequent (often unannounced) visits to borrow the washing machine or internet, or just to sit in a house rather than a hotel, and let us not forget the unending trips to Home Depot. Andre's running ragged trying to help out everywhere! Our dear Brian (Jasmin's darling boyfriend) finally had his surgury (see his
blog, very cool), but unfortunately he's not allowed to drive, and they're a fair distance out of town, so we've inherited Jaz and Katie for the next little while. It's a little crowded but we're getting along just great! Oh, and their water heater exploded over the weekend. Its fixed now, but that was an exciting afternoon for sure.
So now it just feels like I've been thrown overboard, and I'm busy trying to keep my head above water as I watch the boat drift away without me. I know that it's not nearly as bad as it could be. We all still have our health ('cept a bruised ankle -- trying to stop a Home Depot cart loaded with concrete and framing lumber by sticking out my foot, not so bright!), the bills are getting paid (on time now too!! horray for grant money), and the busy is (mostly) good, productive work. It's just that there's a lot of it, and I'm constantly running out of hours in the day to finish any of it!
On a final note before I sign off for the day, Andre and I took a quick break from the hectic life to visit the Signature's Ottawa Craft Show this weekend. It was actually kinda disappointing. Unlike the fair we went to last year (which I suspect was the Christmas craft show, slated for the first weekend in December) where there were more artisans with handcrafted wares that would interest the knitter/woodworker/mid-twenties adult, this show was mostly designer-type clothing, posh jewelery, and the such like. Andre's mom was in heaven. Andre and I, not so much. We did stock up on some handmade fudge, garlic spreads, and some small Christmas gifts, but it wasn't as much fun as we thought it might be. The last show had someone from the Ottawa Spinner's and Weaver's guild, and some other vendors with yarn and knit goods, but not this time. Oh well, we'll try the Christmas show too, and if that's the same kinda stock, then I doubt we'll come again.
Oh, and I am doing some knitting. I picked up some Lion Brand Thick and Quick Chunky yarn (seriously, knit on size 15 needles!!) for a sweater pattern (in the Fall 2008 Vogue Knitting, really cute v-neck cabled hoodie), but I realized when I got home that I got the wrong yarn!!! What I should have got was just Lion Brand Thick and Quick, NOT Chunky. Oops. But, on the bright side, the stuff I did buy (in a really nice forest green) is the perfect size for an oversized cable pullover from another Vogue Knitting from a few years ago!!! I've thus far managed to knit front/back/sleeves, so it's seaming time. Not my favourite thing in the world, but I can't wait till its done so I can show it off!! Pictures soon, promise!
I know that it's been over a month since my last post, and I'm really sorry. I'm going to try to get back on this thing more often. It's kinda therapeutic -- nice to get to talk to the world in general and pretend like someone's listening. So I really hope I'll get back into this, and it won't be another month! Really really.