Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thrown to the Lions

Just a quick post for now, lots going on, and not a lot of free time at the moment.  So some random thoughts from the last few days.

Starting with this:

Yes, people, it's April.  But this is Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  Seriously, what were you expecting?  There have been 3 snow-less Aprils in the last 50 years.  Just because it was nice for a week in March doesn't mean that our lion winter won't have cubs that will come back and bite us later. 

Although the snow on top of ice pellets on top of freezing rain followed by rain and then more snow all in 24 hours might have been a bit much for the average person to cope with. 

It's supposed to start warming up soon.  So they claim.  With lots of rain. 

So it turns out that the Classica Coat and knit socks I've been working on will still be useful if finished in the not too distant future.  Although I'll need more sock yarn... apparently not enough yarn in the left overs for another whole pair. 

The coat however is progressing nicely.  Back done, and one front panel started.  Pictures to follow should I manage to find the camera during the house clean up today. 

I had thought about tidying up the deck and getting the patio furniture out... Maybe next weekend.  When it's not snowing.