Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sabatical, I wish!

So, after a bit of a.... break... I'm back! Since Christmas life has been busy as ever. Some unexpected things, some not, some knitting, some other life stuff. So here's a quick update, and I'll really update the knitting projects soon (like after I borrow my father-in-law's super nice digital SLR to get some awesome knitting shots!).

December saw the beginning of the transit strike in Ottawa. Yes, mid-winter, holiday shopping, no public transit. Thank all the gods that might exist that we had the truck. So for 2 months (right into February) there I was, fighting traffic to get into Carleton every morning and home every night. What would normally be a 30 minute rush hour trip was taking an hour and a half. At least. At first I was alternating driving and getting a ride in with friends. But when one friend got rear-ended, I took over driving completely. On the plus side Katie came to live with us! With them out of the city, there was no way that they'd be able to get in in the window to drop Katie at daycare then get themselves to work. Katie's daycare is walking distance from out place, it worked out well.

School kept me hopping too. Because of the transit strike and trying to get Katie organized, I lots a pile of research time. And I was doing a lab based class, so there's even less time that I could research. So the summer is(/has been) a whole lot of catch up time. But in May it all paid off (A+!!!) which is a decided improvement over the previous course from the fall (but I'm not even getting started on that one!).

In other exciting news, Andre and I hit the glorious 1 year anniversary last weekend!!!!! I absolutely can't believe that its been a year already. I suppose this means that we should really get around to ordering our wedding pictures... We actually spent our anniversary doing not much for us, seeing as how it was also Father's Day (and Andre spent the afternoon at work!). So I invited Katie and her grandparents over for a "surprise" breakfast, which would have worked better had Andre actually stayed in bed. Now, some time in the very near future we should get around to eating the saved cake layer and opening the last bottles of wine.

Andre, being wonderful, bought me an anniversary gift! The first anniversary is paper, so waiting for me after dinner was a wrapped copy of Selbuvotter: Biography of a Knitting Tradition by Terri Shea. You need to check out the book website and order your own, and also Terri's blog at The whole family is getting knitted mittens for Christmas!

To the darling hubby (who doesn't read this, but that's ok), your gift is on the way, I promise!

A knitting update to follow soon... not much, what with the busy life right now, but 7 hours (x2) on the train has to yeild something interesting, no?