Monday, December 21, 2009
Two Weeks Notice
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Inch by Inch
But for right now I need another coffee.
It's going to be a loooooooong couple of nights.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
There's a hole in my wallet!
I've heard a few sayings about renovations, "always late and over budget" or "til death, or renovation, do us part", but there's another, much simpler one that I love dearly:
"It's not really a project until you've been to [insert local big box renovation store name here] at least twice"
Well, I've been twice this morning. And again later this afternoon. If When I go back tomorrow for something else I have to remember that the really friendly helpful guy in the plumbing department takes his coffee with 1 cream...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Stripped Bare
Most of the demolition went smoothly. Gigantic guilt mirror safely stashed away, light fixtures removed, toilet disassembled (and water shut off). The 10' counter might have put up some token resistance due to it's sheer bulk, but it was no match for a determined Andre and a sawz-all. And the sheer unadulterated pleasure of swinging a hammer through drywall.
I swear I love demolition, but the next time we do something like this I vote we order a bin, have it parked in the back yard, and just huck stuff out the window. I've totally done my work out for the next few months.
Perhaps not surprisingly, demolition is also a time for discovery. Like an archeological dig, but without the little brushes. For instance, we knew that the vinyl on the floor had been just slapped down over another layer of slightly uglier vinyl - we could see that in the corners under the cabinets where it had already started pealing away. Under that vinyl was a sheet of 1/4 inch plywood - as expected. Under that, we (foolishly) expected to find the sub floor, although looking at the height difference between the bathroom floor and our hallway laminate, we should have known better.
So under the 1/4 inch plywood was a layer of peal-and-stick vinyl tiles (not too ugly), over another sheet of vinyl (really ugly), over linoleum (can someone explain the appeal of the muddy-pukey-dirt linoleum that was soooo popular in the 70's?). And then another layer of 1/4 plywood. As we braced our crowbars under the edge we briefly held our breath, but thankfully that was it. Another layer of plywood, this time the subfloor of 3/4 ply, and in surprisingly good shape! Pity we're taring that out too. We need to get into the floor for new plumbing.
So now, finally (mercifully) the last of the big chunks of remaining bathroom have been piled in the kitchen, awaiting their date with the dump.
There's something amazing that happens during the demolition phase of any project. That feeling of getting started on something new with all these bright ideas of what's to come. The chance to make something that was functional but boring into something that's exactly what we want.
Maybe it's a knitter thing, but I suspect it happens to all creatively-minded people. The blank canvas for art, the empty notebook of a writer, the un-milled lumber of a woodworker, or the neatly balled perfection that is new yarn. Things that sit awaiting inspiration and beg creation.
I think I'm going to go cast something on. Damn startitis!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
And now for something completely different!
Super excited!! Can't wait to get started :D
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Worry Work
The patriarch of the family is Poppy Skanes. There are few suitable words for describing him. Stubborn might be a good one though. As one of 25 children (yes, really) the surviving siblings are close. So as one of his sisters back on Belle Island is ill, he wanted to travel home to see her. Dispite his own not so great health. So off he went with his daughter Bonnie and Andre's mom Lorraine for a week on the rock.
Now, I should probably mention, that apparently he's on doctor's not to spend too much time traveling, but that's Poppy for you. He had a great time out on Belle Island with the family. It was when he got back to Ottawa that things took a turn for the worse. Poppy landed himself in hospital, bad to the point they called an ambulance to pick him up.
So far they're treating him for pneumonia and the other ails from which he suffers. It's been touch and go for the past few days. So much so that the entire Skanes clan has descended on Ottawa. All of the brothers and most of the wives have been up at some point in the past few days. The family is like that. Especially about Poppy. We've done the short notice long drive to Sudbury just to be sure. So far he's hung in there, the stubborn man, but every time we worry.
So, there have been a few long days and some nervous nights. And there is nothing like nervous energy to get the needles flying. Or in this case crochet hook. I've picked up the granny square blanket again and the little squares have just been falling off the hook. So many infact that I've got all of the center squares made with the ends tucked in and everything. And in the evenings sitting with family I've got it almost all sewn together. Now I'm working away at the last set of dark blue squares for the border. Then get that sewn on and it'll be finished. I can only hope that Poppy with be with us to see it.Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
The weather's been really wet this summer and there was rain forcast for the entire day, so we didn't even leave the house till almost 8pm. We drove to a transit station and took the bus down - it's soooo much easier than trying to find parking downtown. After wandering downtown for a bit we met up with some friends to head down to our favourite firework-watching-spot. If you're ever downtown Ottawa on Canada Day, head east, past the art gallery and the mint, just past the mint take the path on your left. You can't hangout on the road at the bottom, but the path itself looks at the back of parlement hill, perfect for firework viewing. In the end Katie had a great time! The trip home took almost 2 hours by the time we caught a bus and it got out of downtown, but still, super fun had by all!
Not really much else to say... got to see Poppy (Andre's paternal grandfather) and one of the Skanes' aunts as they passed through Ottawa en route to Belle Island, Newfoundland. Poppy's going home to visit a sister who'se not doing so well. Here's hoping that his trip goes well!
Knitting's been progressing slowly... updates to follow. I've got one deadline looming, and at least a few requests for others upcoming. All these silly friends of mine having babies!
So that's it for now. Knitting update to follow. :)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sabatical, I wish!
December saw the beginning of the transit strike in Ottawa. Yes, mid-winter, holiday shopping, no public transit. Thank all the gods that might exist that we had the truck. So for 2 months (right into February) there I was, fighting traffic to get into Carleton every morning and home every night. What would normally be a 30 minute rush hour trip was taking an hour and a half. At least. At first I was alternating driving and getting a ride in with friends. But when one friend got rear-ended, I took over driving completely. On the plus side Katie came to live with us! With them out of the city, there was no way that they'd be able to get in in the window to drop Katie at daycare then get themselves to work. Katie's daycare is walking distance from out place, it worked out well.
School kept me hopping too. Because of the transit strike and trying to get Katie organized, I lots a pile of research time. And I was doing a lab based class, so there's even less time that I could research. So the summer is(/has been) a whole lot of catch up time. But in May it all paid off (A+!!!) which is a decided improvement over the previous course from the fall (but I'm not even getting started on that one!).
In other exciting news, Andre and I hit the glorious 1 year anniversary last weekend!!!!! I absolutely can't believe that its been a year already. I suppose this means that we should really get around to ordering our wedding pictures... We actually spent our anniversary doing not much for us, seeing as how it was also Father's Day (and Andre spent the afternoon at work!). So I invited Katie and her grandparents over for a "surprise" breakfast, which would have worked better had Andre actually stayed in bed. Now, some time in the very near future we should get around to eating the saved cake layer and opening the last bottles of wine.
Andre, being wonderful, bought me an anniversary gift! The first anniversary is paper, so waiting for me after dinner was a wrapped copy of Selbuvotter: Biography of a Knitting Tradition by Terri Shea. You need to check out the book website and order your own, and also Terri's blog at The whole family is getting knitted mittens for Christmas!
To the darling hubby (who doesn't read this, but that's ok), your gift is on the way, I promise!
A knitting update to follow soon... not much, what with the busy life right now, but 7 hours (x2) on the train has to yeild something interesting, no?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Knitting Update
Firstly, there is another beautiful baby that requires a warm welcome!! Baby Bryn was born on November 26th. Both Mom and baby are happy and healthy. Because of school, trying to organize a shower before hand was a little tricky, so Emily (mom) had a "meet the baby" shower a few weeks after he was born. What a perfect little child!
When I heard that Emily was expecting, her due date was already fast approaching. But I couldn't not knit something. Emily was happy to let people know that she was expecting a little boy, but since Taden cleared out my stash of boy clothes, I needed something new. And besides, Emily has such a unique lively personality that a plain blue jacket set just didn't seem right. So out I went and found some really brightly coloured fun looking yarn and started on a blanket. In fact, this blanket was my project during our Toronto trip. True to Jen form, it's a CO5 blanket, with my favourite eyelet stipes!!
Yarn: Bernat Baby Softee - Rock-a-bye Baby (2)
Needles: Bamboo 4mm
Pattern: A combination of my CO5 (2st gs border, YO at both ends on right sides, work st st on WS) and that beautiful eyelet pattern that I keep going back to.
On the right is the unwound skein. Check out the beautiful right colours! The ball in the middle is about a third the size that I started with. The scarf on the left is what its coming out like.
One more project, this one a while in the making. Katie's favourite colour (at least for now) is purple (and pink!). At home, like most homes, we watch TV, and we each have our own designated seat. And blanket. But Katie doesn't really have a blanket of her own. So a while ago I started one for her. And this Christmas she finally got the finished piece! It sat so long in my "to have then ends tucked in and be blocked" box, that I've long lost the pattern and the wool I was using. It's a worsted weight acrylic purple (super saver sized) and some hot pink boa eyelashy stuff. It doesn't come across as well in the picutres, but the puple sections are leaf like lacy patterns.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy New Years!!
I know it's been a while, and I have the normal list of excuses lined up (my computer kept eating my last long post so I had to start it over... and over... and over...; I've been crazy busy with school; I've been knitting when I should have been blogging), but I'm not going to do that any more.
That's right people: Jen is making a New Year's Resolution. The shock, the horror, the "really, it's going to work this time". Honest.
Resolution 1
I know I say it every chance I get to make a resolution, but every time I do, one more little organizational thing does stick with me past the initial organizational freekout. And there are so many things that I would like to organize.
1) Knitting will not be whatever I feel like starting and then never finishing. Projects will be finished (seamed, blocked, and DONE) before I start any more new ones. Yes, I'll always have a few on the go, cause as much as I love my garden gate socks, the pattern is too complex to travel, but no more bags and bags of half started stuff.
2) The blog will be updated minimum every 2 weeks. This going a month without posting is no good for anybody. And I appologize. Even this post is a few days late, but I'm trying I really really am.
3) School work will not wait till last minute. I always start off great, then fall into other things and forget to finish until the day before it's due. That needs to stop...
4)I am going to pay more attention to my hubby and the house. Both are high maintence, but both are so important that I can't not. And I know that they've been neglected before, but no more.
So there it is, my resolution. I do have another, believe it or not, I went all out this year.
Resolution 2
This means a few things, like eating better (yes, cooking meals, not whatever is handy), paying more attention to myself (egotistical maybe, I have neglected a few things that I am now not happy with) and loose a few pounds. This is doctor suggested, since I am carrying a bit extra... not enough for problems now, but getting it taken care of now could save problems later. And Andre's amazing christmas gift of a Wii Fit (!!!!!!!!) is surprisingly helpful with this. And the little characters are damned cute too!
I know, I forgot to make a Christmas post, but after I thought about it, I realized that people should be out having fun with families over the holidays and not stressing about blogs and the such like. So, belated MARRY CHRISTMAS to all.
Along with the Wii fit, Andre gave me wool money (for local yarn store) and "some assembly required" socks. Fleece Artist, wool/mohair for socks.mittens, pattern included. Uber excited! The rest of the family pitched in with more yarn (cotton, bamboo, etc), another page-a-day knitting calendar, no assembly required socks and some great movies (Startgate, X-files, all the good stuff to watch while knitting).
Andre got woodworking stuff as always, a new dust collector (I love you too hun), a branding iron to mark his work, and some more books and magazines to read at his leasure.
Oh, and Jaz/Brian/Katie, who are all awesome, gave us our first framed wedding picture. It's beautiful, and now proudly hanging on the wall. And Jenny really really liked her scarf. (I know I haven't posted about it, but I will!!) All in all, an excellent holidays, busy with friends and family, but warm (and raining!) and loving, and a good time.
So good luck to anybody else with resolutions, and bear with me in mine. I must now return to finishing a gift for a cute little somebody who just got a year older yesterday. Happy birthday monkey girl!